About Us
The First Five Lincolnshire Group aims to provide peer support and networking for GPs in Lincolnshire, in the first 5 years post MRCGP.
The transition from a trainee to an Independent General Practitioner can be challenging. We enjoy a lot of peer support during our training but this can be lost after we have qualified.
Whether you are Salaried, Locum or a GP Partner, having support in the first few years can be invaluable. This is a networking space for colleagues to share ideas, information and resources to help make life as a GP rewarding and enjoyable.
We subscribe to the 5 Pillars of the RCGP First 5 Initiative:
- Connecting with the College: Promoting a sense of belonging and appropriate representation for the First5 cohort within the College.
- Facilitating networks: Encouraging peer support and mentoring through the development of local networks.
- Supporting revalidation: Offering support through revalidation for those in the first 5 years post-CCT.
- Career mentorship: Highlighting opportunities a career in general practice offers and helping new GPs get the most out of being a GP.
- Continuing professional development (CPD: Identifying areas of CPD which members in the first 5 years feel are not well provided and developing materials that will address their learning needs.